Saturday, January 24, 2009


WoYoPracMo, Day 24.

Today, I decided to do something I haven't had the opportunity to do in the past year (due to the Astanga thing): I went through one of my own sequences from start to finish. I used to do this regularly, just to check out the poses and make sure the flow was working as it should.

This summer, I completely restructured my fall/winter/spring session plans, creating 26 brand new sequences. These classes are Classical Hatha Yoga, so each class is different, based on a theme. This coming week, the theme is 'Building a Better Back, Part II'. The class includes sun salutations, a long vinyasa stretch of standing poses and then some floor poses that picked up the 'back' theme, including Navasana, Shalabasana, Bekasana and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana along with some back releasing postures like Parighasana and a supine twist.

I went through my class and the whole thing took me just under an hour (the sequence is written for an hour-and-a-half; I modify it for shorter classes). I was delighted to note that my own vinyasa sequence had me sweating up a storm! Everything flowed well and I genuinely enjoyed the class. It was really fun. I'll probably try to do it once more before I start teaching it next week.

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